Album Review: earthtone9 – In Resonance Nexus (Candlelight Records)

Iconic British metal band earthtone9 make their triumphant return, having signed to the renowned Candlelight Records label, with the highly anticipated release of their new album, ‘In Resonance Nexus’, set to drop on June 21st, 2024.

Hot damn! earthtone9 are back and back with a bit of a banger. In fact, it’s more than just a bit of a banger, it’s a full-on rager that pays tribute to their immense past, while being undeniably fresh and interesting. Beginning with a pair of absolute anthems, but from different styles, earthtone9 get the heart racing with the big heavy metal sound of The Polyphony of Animals and the blistering, thrash infused Navison Record. If you had any doubts about earthtone9’s ability to go as hard now as they did back when they first emerged on the scene, these two tracks will put that to bed.

Who’d have though we’d be banging our heads hard to a killer earthtone9 record in 2024? The facts don’t lie though, and this album gets better and better as it goes on.

There’s a chance to take a breath with the dreamy melody that introduces Under the Snake but be prepared to be hit by a strong wave of heavier melodic rock as this track evolves. earthtone9 following that change of pace up with a manic blast of energy in the form of Oceanic Drift. The riff and drum combo is killer here, the vocals are really powerful, and it has a strong chorus. The non-stop frenetic pace makes it one of the album’s strongest efforts overall.

Keeping the flow interesting and taking u back in time, the dramatic melodies of Black Swan Roulette certainly sound like the earthtone9 of old. Whereas Lash of the Tongues’ is a heavy and groovy anthem that is mighty fresh sounding, and Etiquette of Distortion has earthtone9 hitting even more chaotic levels of noise than heard anywhere else on the album. This track is them at their heaviest sounding, even with a soaring chorus.

Although the infectious body-shaker that is Observe Your Course comes mightily close. Aided by the intensity of the one and only guest of the album, Malli Malpass of One Dice.

It’s been bloody great, hasn’t it?

It’s not done yet though as we get some calming, but unusual effects, at the start of Third Mutuality. A track that eases into the sound of earthtone9 offering up something a bit more experimental and uber-melodic. It’s one of the more ‘out there’ tracks on the album, but its position on the album makes it so much more palatable. At this stage of the record, and having delivered such quality, earthtone9 have earned the right to do anything they want. That it just so happens to be a really likable track too, certainly helps.

So, how they wrap things up? By going big, by getting really thick sounding, by varying the tempos of their heavier side in style, and by sounding like an earthtone9 reborn. Strength Is My Weakness is near seven-minutes of brilliance.

Hot damn! earthtone9 are back and back with an undeniable banger.

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earthtone9 – In Resonance Nexus Track Listing:

1. The Polyphony of Animals
2. Navison Record
3. Under the Snake
4. Oceanic Drift
5. Black Swan Roulette
6. Lash of the Tongues
7. Etiquette of Distortion
8. Observe Your Course (featuring Malli Malpass of One Dice)
9. Third Mutuality
10. Strength Is My Weakness


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

earthtone9 - In Resonance Nexus (Candlelight Records)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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