Album Review: Devil To Pay – Forever, Never or Whenever (Ripple Music)

Few bands embody the essence of heavy rock like Devil To Pay. These four mercenaries and all-round brilliant songwriters have crafted one air-tight record after another, and sixth studio album ‘Forever, Now or Whenever’ can be easily considered their watermark statement.

Devil To Pay are the indefatigable veterans of the storied Indianapolis stoner-doom scene. Born on a lark in 2002, they peppered the United States with countless DIY tours, making a name for themselves as underground favourites. The band cut their teeth at a range of festivals, from the legendary Stoner Hands of Doom and Emissions From The Monolith, to more contemporary festivals like Doomed & Stoned. Now they are preparing to release their monumental sixth album, ‘Forever, Never Or Whenever’. Out on November 8th 2019 via Ripple Music.

You don’t make it to your 6th album without something under your belt. Some modicum of talent and something that appeals to a wider audience. In the case of Devil to Pay, what that is, is their blend of dusty hard rock with stoner jams and slightly grimy groove. It’s a potent mixture that sees the band aim for world dominance with Forever, Never Or Whenever.

Can they achieve it? There’s certainly no harm in trying and with tracks like Heave Ho’s weathered but catchy groove, the mellow melodies of The Cautionary Tale of Yen Sid and the challenging rock and roll attack of Anti-Gravity Depravity they set themselves up well.

This is just three tracks of a ten track album that has plenty of dusty and sexy sounding hard rock music to give. There’s plenty for everyone too. If your penchant is more for riffs then you’re in luck, turn your ears towards The Devil’s Barking Up Your Tree.

Maybe you want hard rocking groove? Devil to Pay has you sorted. Just press play on Get On Down. Or maybe it’s a little bit of fuzz and crashing percussion that’s going to get your attention? Imminent Demise is right there.

As you can see there’s a little something for everyone.

Devil To Pay – Forever, Never Or Whenever Full Track Listing:

1. Heave Ho
2. The Devil’s Barking Up Your Tree
3. The Cautionary Tale of Yen Sid
4. Get On Down
5. Tap Dancing On Your Grave
6. Imminent Demise
7. 37 Trillion
8. Light Sentence
9. The Pendulum
10. Anti-Gravity Depravity


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Devil To Pay - Forever, Never or Whenever (Ripple Music)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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