Album Review: Crepitation – Monstrous Eruption of Impetuous Preposterosity (Vicious Instinct Records)

A staple of the UK death metal scene, Crepitation are set to return with their sophomore full-length titled ‘Monstrous Eruption of Impetuous Preposterosity’. The album is being released by Australian extreme metal label Vicious Instinct Records on June 23rd, 2023.

Drop that rectum!

You gotta love this band for staying completely true to their brutal and slam death metal sound, having their tongue jammed firmly in their cheek, and continuing to show the underground scene just why they are so necessary. Crepitation are back and they have a monstrous showcase of vomit-inducing, belly-quivering, and sphincter-tightening grinding death metal to share.

With track titles like Rancid Blubbery Encrustments, Vicious Entwattering of Obstinant Nepotistic Shithouses, Custardized Urethral Vomit Cannon, Reeking Blobs of Globular Viscosity, and Superkalifragelisticexpibabyshakeus, you kind of know what you’re getting into here. Yet, absurdly silly track titles doesn’t mean absurdly silly sounds. Well, to some degree, as many might hear the noise emanating from the crusty bowels of Crepitation and see it as absurdly silly.

The rest of us? We’re too busy having a fit over the garish grottiness of it. All while taking in the layered depths to Crepitation’s sound. Oh yes, this album has depth and things to say. Can you work out which track is an anti-Tory anthem? It’s stuff like this that elevates Crepitation and makes this album so much more than a joyful expulsion of filth.

…and the word is joyful because few bands are as chaotic and crude musically, as these guys, while also being incredibly tight and varied too. Monstrous Eruption of Impetuous Preposterosity might be 13 tracks long, but it doesn’t feel like it. It can’t be stressed enough that everyone who professes a love for slamming brutal death metal will be thoroughly addicted to this record.

It might mean you’re left covered in sick, with your pants full of s**t, bleary-eyed, and wondering how you ended up in the sewer, but it will have been worth every second of the Crepitation experience.

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Crepitation – Monstrous Eruption of Impetuous Preposterosity Track Listing:

1. Carcinogenital Space Hopper
2. Rancid Blubbery Encrustments
3. Methanated Propulsion of Gaseous Levitation
4. The Gyrospastic Photomancer (Purging of the Able-bodied)
5. Vicious Entwattering of Obstinant Nepotistic Shithouses
6. Priapismic Whisking of Mucilaginous Concrete Slurry
7. Custardized Urethral Vomit Cannon
8. Bloated Festering Mass of Corpulent Immensity
9. Devourification of Skewerised Rottiserie Hominids
10. Molecular Testicular Spectacular Dracula Vernacular
11. Reeking Blobs of Globular Viscosity
12. Barkkake
13. Superkalifragelisticexpibabyshakeus


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Crepitation - Monstrous Eruption of Impetuous Preposterosity (Vicious Instinct Records)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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