Album Review: Copper Bones – Exhibit A (Self Released)

A hard-rock duo from Orlando, Florida; Copper Bones released Exhibit A in June of 2016. 11 tracks of rugged & bassy rock wrapped up in some sultry vocals.

Copper Bones 1

Exhibit A is all about delivering exciting & memorable hard rock, which is exactly what you get with tracks like The Vulture, I Am the Wolf & Born Ready. Rhythmically hypnotic beats against vocals that drip passion. The groove offered by the bass is exciting but the harder drumming adds the kind of edge that appeals to those who enjoy a heavier sound.

Often heavily weighted towards the choruses, the likes of Bad Love & 1000 Years are catchy, foot-tapping tunes that put a smile on the face. Comparisons to Baroness are easy but it’s the kind of company that both Copper Bones & listeners can welcome. Especially as they differentiate themselves with a much more rockier sound.

With just bass & drums Exhibit A could easily slip into repetition but things keep chugging along nicely thanks to switches between tempo, focus & vocal style. The faster, more groovy stuff is what excites the most. It’s Ghost that gets the blood pumping & the body moving.

Exhibit A closes with the more upbeat sounding & fascinatingly stop-start rhythm of Make ‘em Pay! It’s a super-strong finale that shows off a nice bit of invention as well as cementing the knowledge that Copper Bones can write rhythmically challenging music that is catchy & very accessible.

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Copper Bones – Exhibit A Full Track Listing:

1. The Vulture
2. I Am the Wolf
3. Born Ready
4. Bad Love
5. Heaven’s Gate
6. 1,000 Years
7. War is the Answer
8. Ghost
9. Bury You
10. Make ‘em Pay
11. Nerds!

You can pick up Exhibit A for free on Bandcamp & find out much more about Copper Bones on their website, Facebook & Instagram.


  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Copper Bones - Exhibit A (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
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