Album Review: Broken Jaw – No-OnE cArEs! (Self Released)

‘No-OnE cArEs!’ is punk rock and metal band Broken Jaw’s second album, due to be released on September 30th, 2024. A tongue in cheek, finger in the face, social commentary on the current state of the world and the fight in which people have to take in order to navigate it.

Photo Credit: ArcH-Photography

Kicking things off with the riotous title track, Broken Jaw are on venomous form here, delivering a fantastic combo of punk and metal, wrapped up in a delightfully infectious tempo. It’s an early showcase of their ability to mesh the genres together so effectively and to speak their mind, but keep the fun factor front and centre.

The bar set at an impossible high (the chorus alone is pure gold), Broken Jaw attempt to follow that with a series of high-powered and heavy bangers that inevitably put a stupidly big smile on the face. Both Caviar & Cigarettes and Pineapple Pizza having Broken Jaw’s more metallic side on full and garish display. The latter featuring Jordan Ebanks of Nameless, who adds a hell of a lot to the overall crashing and smashing style.

Both are right head bangers and it’s important to remember that as punk as they are, this is very much a heavy metal band.

How about some Chicken Nugs though? The sound of punk groove slamming face first into heavy riffs with the resulting pulp being deep fried. Then along comes Melt, offering up a bit of nu-fusion that is garishly harsh, and One Ply Bogroll pummels with the kind of intensity more suited for the extreme and hardcore metal crowd. Credit where credit is due, Broken Jaw promise a mashup of styles and certainly stay true to their word.

It’s a ton of fun to listen to, so much so, that it just flies by and suddenly you’re being slapped around the head with the thick death-infused riffs of Serpents Lair and the blast beat drums of Lighter Fluid. That the latter has one of the album’s most infectious rhythms and choruses is both laughable and testament to Broken Jaw’s quality.

No doubt you’re feeling hot, sweaty, exhausted, but feeling exhilarated. Such is the energetic and chaotic nature of this album. All good things must come to an end though, and Broken Jaw go out with a ruddy big bang via the heavy mania of Milk Gun Honey and the hyper anthemic SYSTEM ERROR. With the latter having a pop-punk flavour to the chorus for added fun.

What an awesome band and what an awesome album.

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Broken Jaw – No-OnE cArEs! Track Listing:

1. No-OnE cArEs!
2. Caviar & Cigarettes
3. Pineapple Pizza (Featuring Jordan Banks of Nameless)
4. Chicken Nugs
5. Melt
6. One Ply Bogroll
7. Serpents Lair
8. Lighter Fluid
9. Milk Guns Honey


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Broken Jaw – No-OnE cArEs! (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
User Review
10/10 (1 vote)