Album Review: Blodskam – Là-Bas (Suicide Records)
The history of the Swedish black metal duo Blodskam dates back to 1998 when the two brothers Aghora and Dödfödd decided it was time to put the family madness on public display. They were linked together by blood, but also shared a mutual interest in exploring the dark workings of the human mind. Due to other musical engagements, and some mental health issues, it was not until just recently that the bad seed they planted so many years ago sprouted, grew and bore fruit.
In 2014 Aghora and Dödfödd, now residents in Dalarna and Stockholm, restarted the band, wrote new material, finished some of the old songs and went into the studio Misfortune Recorders together with drummer Kim Filppu from Convivium to record their first studio effort.
The six track album ‘Là-Bas’ is a desperate cry from the subconscious. A story of psychosis, hallucinations, endless corridors and floors full of filth which shows a glimpse of an enclosed institution of human decay. What is real and what is just drug fuelled imagination?
Là-Bas will be released on February 6th 2019 via Suicide Records.
The story behind Là-Bas is enough to already peak interests because of the length of time it has taken to bring the album to fruition. It’s here now though, 6 tracks of bleak black metal ripped straight out of hell.
The shadows are long but in a nice twist on the sound, Blodskam show off an ear for rhythm. In fact, dare we even suggest the likes of Bodel are actually kind of catchy! We can thank the impressive guitar riffing for this, something that is clean and clear sitting perfectly alongside twisted vocals and hefty percussion.
Blodskam appear to have thrown their all into this record and there is an underlying feeling of pain and suffering. The music is rooted so much in the darkness of black metal that it does overshadow some of the more inventive moments that come along.
Moments such as the meandering riffs that embrace My Home in a death-grip and the melodic finish. Bookended by two tracks (God in a Straightjacket and Routines) that are ‘by the numbers’ black metal heaviness.
Don’t let that fool you though, there isn’t a bad track on the album, just ones that are better. Contrast The Machines, a ferociously fast and heavy track against the uncomfortable effects of the title track to see what I mean. They’re very different tracks but the latter is far more intriguing. Even if the former is a slamming black metal horror show.
Blodskam – Là-Bas Full Track Listing:
1. Bodel
2. God in a Straitjacket
3. My Home
4. Routines
5. The Machines
6. Là-Bas
The album will be available via all major streaming services but can be ordered now via Bandcamp. Find out more/keep up to date with news by checking out Blodskam’s Facebook Page.
Blodskam - Là-Bas (Suicide Records)
The Final Score - 7.5/10