Album Review: Blacklab – In A Bizarre Dream (New Heavy Sounds)

Blacklab are back. The self-styled ‘Doom witch duo from Osaka’ are set to drop their third album ‘In A Bizarre Dream’ on August 19th, 2022 via New Heavy Sounds.

How do you describe Blacklab to the uninitiated? To call them a fuzzed-out, heavy doom band is underplay the eclectic and electric sound the duo showcase. Where heavy, dark and intense music sets the teeth on edge and has the body trembling. The blend of vocal styles, the chunky and chuggy riffs, the bone-breaking percussion… Blacklab have really stepped up their game here.

Nowhere is that better exemplified than when they move from titanic doom sounds to faster, rougher and wilder sounding metal moments. Talk about giving In A Bizarre Dream an edge, this is sharp enough to cut through bone.

Perhaps though, the thing that stands out the most with Blacklab’s third album, is the brilliant refinement of the duo’ sound. Dare it be said? Blacklab have found exactly what they want from their music and the end result speaks volumes.



In A Bizarre Dream is a triumphant release, not just because the talents of this witch duo is so captivating, but because doom has never sounded so varied and interesting sounding. The best examples of Blacklab’s incredible commitment to the strange and wonderful are the paring of Evil 1 and Evil 2. Tracks that ooze sinisterness; the former is fast-paced and aggressive sounding filth, whereas the latter is mellow, haunting and cold. Two perfect examples of where Blacklab show just how wide and eclectic this album can be.

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It’s that which means this has much wider appeal than just the doom market. Blacklab rock and rock hard too. Just check out the surprisingly infectious and psych-tinged Crows, Sparrows and Cats. Which also features the fantastic Laetitia Sadier too. Just try and not move your head to this one, it’s impossible.

The more time spent in the minds of Blacklab, the more this album delivers, the more it infects the senses and the more it stands out. A work of genius that turns the doom genre on its head.

Blacklab – In A Bizarre Dream Full Track Listing:

1. Cold Rain
2. Abyss Woods
3. Dark Clouds
4. Evil 1
5. Evil 2
6. Crows, Sparrows and Cats (feat Laetitia Sadier)
7. Lost
8. In A Bizarre Dream
9. Monochrome Rainbow
10. Collapse


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Blacklab - In A Bizarre Dream (New Heavy Sounds)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
User Review
5.5/10 (2 votes)