Album Review: Amongst Liars – By Design (Self Released)

‘By Design’ is the sophomore full-length release of alternative rockers Amongst Liars. A record that tackles important subjects like mental health issues, the corruption of the system, impending world-destruction, political snakery, and the devastating effects of long-COVID. ‘By Design’ will be released on July 4th, 2024, via Earache Records.

In the space of just four years, Amongst Liars have made a hell of a lot of noise and having released their debut self-titled record in 2022, they’re back and looking to expand their appeal even more.

By Design isn’t a million miles away from the debut record of course, but there are certainly elements that show Amongst Liar’s progression. They’ve learned plenty over the past few years, finding a way to be even more anthemic, while continuing to push alt-rock boundaries and deliver meaningful music and lyrics. This is the sound of Amongst Liar’s getting more mainstream, and the ten (eleven with an intro) tracks of this album will have widespread appeal.

It’s simple really. They’re acutely balancing energy-laden rocking numbers with exciting melodies, contemporary experimentation, and choruses to please all. Showing how their song-writing skills have improved, and how they have become more adept at making their style of alt-rock stand out from the crowd.

The word to sum up this album is ‘anthemic’ and while it can certainly be overused, there’s no better description for an album that features a bevy of high-powered rock hits. This should be enough to make this album worth checking out, but hold on a moment, because there’s more.

By Design might sit in the alternative rock camp, but Amongst Liars have a habit of wandering off the trail, finding pretty butterflies to chase, falling off a cliff or two, and getting well and truly lost in the woods. What does this mean? It means an album of twists and turns. An album with infusions of classic rock and roll, punk, pop, and even grunge. Not only does the album deliver club bangers that can fill a dance floor, but it can get a pit or two going. Impressively, there’s one or two tracks that can do both!

The highlights? There’s You Are Not A Slave, which is absolutely killer as it finds Amongst Liars at their fastest and heaviest, all while still providing so much catchiness. Then there is The Shameful, a brash blend of rock and punk, delivering something with so much vitality (a personal favourite). How about Vice’s garish electronica, electrified rhythms, and singalong chorus? Freaking huge, and likely to take off live. Or what about the emotionally charged power of Say?

You’re going to struggle to find a track that doesn’t have some appeal across the length and breadth of this album. They’re ready for the big time. More ears on their music, more eyes on their shows, and more mouths shouting about how good Amongst Liars are. It’s more than deserved when this is the kind of music they’re putting out.

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Amongst Liars – By Design Track Listing:

1. Prelude
2. Ready For This?
3. You Are Not a Slave
4. By Design (feat. Felin)
5. The Shameful
6. Mind
7. Vice
8. No Control (feat. Richie Hevanz)
9. Alibi
10. Say
11. Wolf Machine


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Amongst Liars - By Design (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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