Album Review: Acres – Burning Throne (A Wolf At Your Door Records)

South coast four-piece Acres return with the release of their sophomore record, Burning Throne, out 3rd March 2023 via A Wolf At Your Door Records.

It has felt like a long build towards this record with single after single creating more and more anticipation for the full thing. The high quality of these singles has been notable but the excitement for this album comes with the knowledge that Acres have already make a lot of waves. They are extremely hot right now and Burning Throne is only going to engorge the flames more.

Beginning in punchy alt-metal fashion, the crashing injection of instrumental heaviness blended with earnest vocals immediately grabs the attention. The chorus given a meatier edge, thanks to the growl of Silent Planet’s Garrett Russell.

The title track drifts on wings of melody but has this weight, thanks to the guitars, that makes for a heavier sound overall. With bursts of energy, some strong, moody atmosphere and a top-shelf chorus, Acres are sounding grander than ever.

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The evolution of this band is really taking shape now and the monster that stands before us is quite gobsmacking. Two tracks in, and most will be absolutely sold on this album.

The heart is pounding, the blood is pumping furiously in the veins, the adrenaline is high, all because of the dramatics of Hold On and the post-tinged The Death of Me. The atmospheric melody and chorus grandeur of both tracks is exceptional. Followed then by the ambient and cinematic Visual Hallucinations. The mellow vibes of this track don’t feel out of place when you take the whole experience, so far, into account.

Though it’s time for something heavier and solid sounding with My Everything. Acres slamming their instruments with more power, all while the vocals croon dreamily, before they come together for an epic sounding chorus. One of the most fascinating and infectious tracks on the entire album. It’s almost matched though by the energetic metal intensity of Feel Anything, Acres bleeding an unbelievable amount of passion.

As well as such depth, showcased with aplomb on Into Flames, a track that is highly melodic but oozes power. Thanks to the backing vocals that growl, adding a layer of intensity to the soaring main. Before When You’re Gone provides even more relatable lyrical content (a running theme throughout), lovely melodies, and a punchy chorus.

It’s almost sad to see that the album is coming to an end as it is undoubtedly a major step up for Acres. Which is pretty amazing when you consider the high position they had already attained. A position that is more than solidified with the finale of Lost in Our Own World. A track that is dripping in emotion, is remarkably powerful, and hits tremendously hard. Don’t be surprised if you find a tear or two shed here.

Acres – Burning Throne Track Listing:

1. Nothing. (feat Garrett Russell)
2. Burning Throne
3. Hold On
4. The Death of Me
5. Visual Hallucinations
6. My Everything
7. Feel Anything
8. Into Flames
9. When You’re Gone
10. Lost in Our Own World


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Acres - Burning Throne (A Wolf At Your Door Records)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
9.8/10 (2 votes)