Album Review: Slow – VI-Dantalion (Aural Music)

With VI – Dantalion, Slow create a deep and all-consuming atmosphere that will crush your mesmerised soul to the deepest depths of nothingness. It will be released on November 8th 2019 via Aural Music.

We’re no strangers to Slow having reviewed their previous release V-Oceans. An album that turned us into fans of a band that deliver atmosphere in ways unheard of in modern metal. It is no surprise that they do it again with VI-Dantalion.

Describing this album to someone unfamiliar with Slow is not easy. The best way to sum up the band and what they do here is to picture a glacier of ice. It’s humongous, towering miles above everything. It’s beautiful, to the extent that it to look upon it for the first time is to drop to your knees and weep.

However, it also terrifies as deep down, the knowledge that with it comes death, destruction and devastation is there. There is no escape, no gods to pray too and no person to cling too for comfort as the slow moving but crushing force edges closer.

This is Slow and this is VI-Dantalion. Funeral doom of the highest quality. Atmospheric metal of the most enlightening and emotionally charged. There is simply no contender this year for such a heavy and haunting record.

That it last nearly 80 minutes is just something else. If the idea of marching through a storm, laboured down with a pack full of concrete bricks while hellish voices assail your mind constantly with wicked words then this is the album for you.

If the idea of being put through the emotional wringer, to feel…appeals, then this is the album for you. Perhaps though, it’s not enough. Perhaps, a simplistic description of just how heavy Slow are will be enough to get a naysayer to press play. If so, then yes…simply put, Slow are are very heavy band. Their brand of funeral doom is on another level and the depths they plummet too is staggering.

Combine all of that though and you have one of the best albums of the year. A work of art, the work of musical geniuses. There isn’t a single track that isn’t required listening.

Slow – VI-Dantalion Full Track Listing:

1. Descente
2. Lueur
3. Géhenne
4. Futilité
5. Lacune
6. Incendiaire
7. Elégie




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Slow - VI-Dantalion (Aural Music)
  • The Final Score - 10/10
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