EP Review: Reptilium – Conspiranoic (Self Released)

Reptilium, also known as “The Reptile Sect” is a death cult originated in the cursed mountain region of South America, with the goal of establishing a portal for their so called “forbidden truth” to come through. As of now this cult is believed to be led by high string priest Nirah, cryptic skinner Cecrops and attended by abominable hierophants such as the low frequency conjurer Lotan.


The occultist sect has been known to sacrifice its former collaborators in the process of achieving it’s ritualistic ends. Conspiranoic is Reptilium’s first sonic transmission medium out on August 2nd 2019.

On a scale of slightly evil to immeasurably evil, it should probably not be too much of a surprise to learn that Reptilium’s Conspiranoic breaks the scale. This is ritualistic horror produced by a unit that exude pure evil. We are the victims, tasked with experimenting and experiencing this 4-track monstrosity. Even though the possibility of it consuming your very soul is a grim reality.

Is it worth the risk? Absolutely it is. The monstrous sound of the blackened death metal that Reptilim spew forth is as exciting and appealing as a three-course meal is to a starving person. It doesn’t matter where it came from or how it got here, the mouth, or this case, the mind, is salivating at the prospect.

Chaotic? Yes but not because it’s a frantic sounding release. Chaotic because Reptilim have no desire for traditional song structure. Changing like a chameleon when you least expect it, the realisation will steal over you so suddenly that it’s startling.

Before you’ve even had a chance to process what just happened, the next piece of bludgeoning noise arrives. Until all 4 tracks are played out and Reptilim have devoured what little remains of you.


Reptilium – Conspiranoic Full Track Listing:

1. Hannu ae Kondras
2. Goat
3. Viral Combustion
4. Just a Machine




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  • Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Reptilium - Conspiranoic (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
User Review
4.67 (3 votes)