Advertise With Us

If you’re interested in advertising on our website we have a number of options available that you can look at below. Prices are negotiable so if you do want to chat to us about that, just send us an email:

Sidebar Advertisement – Want to advertise your album? EP? movie? game? We have slots on our sidebar where we can place an ad of your choosing for a set period of time. This sidebar never moves and is visible not just on our homepage but on every article on the site.

Prices are as follows:

1 Week – £15
2 Weeks – £25
3 Weeks – £35
4 Weeks – £45

Paid for Promotions – These are posted articles about a variety of subjects and will be tagged/authored as ‘paid for promotions’ and/or ‘guest posts’. They can include ‘do follow’ links provided they do not go to pornographic content. At times we may run content that links to online gambling sites. Prices range from £60-£150 depending on the article content/complexity and we reserve the right to reject anything we do not feel fits ‘GBHBL’.

Podcast/YouTube – If you want us to plug something in either one of our videos or on our podcast then this might be the option for you.