Album Review: Embrace of Disharmony – De Rervm Natvra (My Kingdom Music)

Avant-garde dark metal band, Embrace of Disharmony will release their new album ‘”De Rervm Natvra’ on June 7th 2019 via My Kingdom Music.


A very experimental release, for all the added touches such as orchestral elements and progressive passages, this is still an extremely heavy release. Hot and heavy, coming at you with force…all the extra touches just give it some flair.

They’re a brave bunch to throw so much into their music and still make it sound coherent. Even if it is a challenging listen. Like a slippery snake, it constantly eludes your grasp and you need to really listen to take it all in.

With male and female vocals doing battle, furious slabs of meaty death metal moments blended with epic segments. The 10 minutes of De Primordiis Rervm lays out exactly what kind of band Embrace of Disharmony are.

It’s certainly all over the place which really sells the ‘disharmony’ side of their music perfectly. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t enjoyably weird because it is, it really is! Checkout the wonderfully gothic De Infinitate Orbivm where the contrasting vocals absolutely excel or the acoustic mellowness of De Pavore Mortis that gets stranger and heavier as it goes on.

A pretty impressive and unique listening experience that certainly needs multiple plays to really appreciate.


Embrace of Disharmony – De Rervm Natvra Full Track Listing:

1. Prohoemivm / Lavdatio Epicvri
2. De Primordiis Rervm
3. De Motv Primordiorvm Rervm
4. De Infinitate Orbivm
5. De Mortalitate Animae
6. De Pavore Mortis
7. De Captionibvs Amoris
8. De Formatione Orbis

The album can be ordered via my Kingdom Music here. Find out more about Embrace of Disharmony over on Facebook.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Embrace of Disharmony - De Rervm Natvra (My Kingdom Music)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
User Review
5 (2 votes)