Horror Short Review: FAITHER (2024)

Written, shot, edited and completed in 48 hours for the Seattle 2024 Horror 48 Hour Film Project, FAITHER comes from Katy Joy and stars Michael Munoz and Philip Keiman.

The former plays the young man, Malcolm, who is visiting his father in a care home. The older man is suffering from dementia and seemingly not long for this world. Something that means Malcolm needs his signature on a new will before it’s too late. You see, his father has money, and the news of a miracle drug that is healing his disease, isn’t welcome news.

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To say what happens next, is to ruin a really dark and violent turn. One that proves to be quite clever when we finally see the bigger picture.

It’s an enjoyable watch, clearly made by talented people, especially when you consider the ’48 hour’ project. At around eight minutes long, it’s probably a minute or two too long. You can see where it could have been edited better, or scenes could have been trimmed. Still, it’s worth a watch and you can check it yourself, below.



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FAITHER (2024)
  • The Final Score - 6.5/10
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