Album Review: Synaptic – Enter the Void (Lifeless Chasm Records)

After a 15-year hibernation, the German tech-death band Synaptic has re-emerged with their blistering debut album, ‘Enter the Void’. It will be released on January 15th, 2025, via Lifeless Chasm Records.

Unexpected, but not unwelcome, Synaptic are back, and in quick fashion, make sure everyone listening is mightily grateful that they are. Crafting sci-fi vibes that has a surrealist tone and showcasing the tech-aspects of the guitars that will be so dominating as the album goes on. Case in point, the intense first full track, Malfunctional Minds. Techy, oh yes, but notably death metal too, and from a garishly harsh standpoint. Not only that, but there is also harmony, rockier soloing, clean singing, and a lovable sense of grandeur.

It is a very unique start, liable to drive tech-death fans wild, while also having a fascinating accessibility. Which might seem laughable when you hear a track like The Lost Continent and the sound of a band hammering their instruments hard, fast, and with chaotic intent. That bass sure gives it some groove though, doesn’t it?

How about 69 seconds of manically heavy guitars and drums though? The middle of the album and the track Memories of the Forgotten Future has what we all desperately desire, and it hits hard.


Call that track an ‘amuse-bouche’ though, as the main course of technical ferocious ruthlessness is next, and it will leave you feeling very full. Not just because it takes such a wild approach and constantly veers off in unexpected directions, but because Synaptic’s heaviness sounds even more creative. This track, Architects of the Night has some of the albums most impressive twists and turns, and for nearly seven-minutes, most will find themselves enamoured by what it offers.

Thankfully, by putting Illucid Wake (Prologue) after, with its dramatic ambience and moody melody, the focus shifts to what follows quite easily. Another great example of their rock infusions and progressive thinking, and this leads nicely into the big penultimate track, City of Glass. A giant of a track amongst giant tracks, if you’re mind hasn’t already felt like it has been pummelled into mush, this one will finish the job. A grand example of a track that needs multiple listens to fully appreciate, especially as it gets pretty weird in places.

It’s so exciting though, and unlike so many other tech-death bands, Synaptic never overdo it. Ending the album with Embrace the Void (Epilogue), delivering a creative mix of melody and metal, utilising a keyboard impressively, and really letting the cleaner side of the vocals stand out. It is the perfect closer, adding an exclamation point on what has been heard across the album, but sounding like nothing else too. It’s so strange, but so damn cool. Welcome back, Synaptic.

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Synaptic – Enter the Void Track Listing:

1. Sleepless Dream (Intro)
2. Malfunctional Minds
3. The Lost Continent
4. Memories Of the Forgotten Future
5. Architects Of the Night
6. Illucid Wake (Prologue)
7. City Of Glass
8. Embrace the Void (Epilogue)


Lifeless Chasm Records


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Synaptic - Enter the Void (Lifeless Chasm Records)
  • The Final Score - 7.5/10
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