Game Review: Unwording (Xbox Series X)

There is no shortage of quality games that tackle difficult subjects these days, which does mean more effort has to be made to ensure what is being offered stands out. Case in point, Unwording. A simple word game with a clever concept that lands a surprisingly emotional punch.

Unwording is all about perspective. Not just within its puzzles, but within its story too. Players step into the shoes of a nameless character as they go about their daily mundane life, stuck in a downward spiral of negative thoughts. The world is grey and flat, and the game showcases this (initially) from a 2D perspective.

Waking up for the day, you must guide the character and see things from their perspective. No calls or messages on the phone? Rearrange the words ‘no messages’ via a simple puzzle to read ‘no one cares’. Notice a group of colleagues talking together? Naturally they are gossiping about you. See a nice car that you’d love to have one day? Remind the character via a word puzzle that they can never afford it.

It’s a stark reminder of how negativity can control our lives and by making the experience puzzle-based, it immerses the player. There is something so disconcerting about having to rearrange an innocuous statement into something so damning. Yet, it’s so relatable too as everyone will have dealt with these thoughts and feelings at some point.

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Unwording isn’t about negativity though, it’s about perspective and as the game progresses, it changes. Showing how small steps can make a difference and a negative thought doesn’t have to dominate. This change is reflected in both the gameplay perspective (2D to 2.5D to 3D) and the word puzzles, which from a gameplay perspective means it has some variety.

Not that gameplay is any part of what makes Unwording memorable. Developer Frostwood Interactive has gone the subtle route and it pays off with a story and message that lands. It’s short (an hour at most), has some janky controls (especially when the game shifts to 3D), and doesn’t quite deliver on the music front, even if there are some nice and soothing tones. However, these negatives seem minor when compared to the rich impression it leaves. It will change your perspective too.


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Unwording (Xbox Series X)
  • The Final Score - 7/10
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