EP Review: Vishnu’s Rest – Fours of Nature (Self Released)

Vishnu’s Rest, the duo of vocalist Don Wade and guitarist Chrys Johnson, have released their debut concept EP, ‘Fours of Nature’. ‘Fours of Nature’ is a 14:44-minute exploration of cosmic cycles, symbolism and paradox, drawing inspiration from the myth and lore of Sri Vishnu and Hindu cosmology—filtered through a Western metal lens. The four tracks weave intricate tales of nature’s forces, complemented by a diverse and talented lineup of guest musicians, including Jesse Zuretti (DAATH) on drums and the incredible Devin Townsend on bass, the latter also mixing and mastering the EP.



A dynamic release that is layered and filled with depth, drawing inspiration from fascinating sources, and given a bright showcase through a myriad of talented individuals. Fours of Nature is a very strong release that has immediate impact, but also stays with you long afterwards. Partially because of the infusion of Hindu elements, partially because it has progressive heft, and partially because of the vibrant melding of melody and metal.

It makes for a very appealing listen, especially as each new play unearths even more curiosities. Not just the more unique instruments that are used (sitar, tanpura, tabla), the lively use of electronica, or the clever vocal combinations, but the intense heaviness and how the duo craft layers within that.

The EP might come in at under 15-minutes, but you will be hours in and still finding new things to love about it.

Take your pick! Each track has something unique about, and something to remember it by. Sleeping Creator has a haunting start that gives way to a chunky and chaotic heavy rhythm. Waking Dream’s methodical drum and riff combo sounds immense, and that’s before you consider the way in which the vocals are layered in. Fortesss is thick and sinewy, with a certain amount of garish intensity and a brilliant guest appearance by Writam Changkakoti.

Then there is Imperishable Primal Spirit, the final track, and a stunning showcase of Vishnu’s Rest progressive heft. Clever and exciting, it’s a phenomenal release that leaves you wanting more, so much more. Hopefully, that’s a possibility in the future, but for now, be prepared to lose a lot of time to this EP.

Vishnu’s Rest – Fours of Nature Track Listing:

1. Sleeping Creator
2. Waking Dream
3. Fortresss
4. Imperishable Primal Spirit


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Vishnu’s Rest – Fours of Nature (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
8.45/10 (2 votes)