Interview: Homecoming (Written)

Homecoming hail from the West Midlands in the UK and play pop-punk. Their latest release is DKMS, taken from the EP, ‘POP PUNK FROM WISH’. In this interview, we find out a little bit more about them.

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1. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to chat to us. First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started.

We are Homecoming UK, a four piece pop punk outfit from the West Midlands, UK. We started in 2017 with the idea of doing pop punk renditions of Disney and musical numbers. We very quickly ditched this and set ourselves out as an original band. The line up finally hit the mark with the introduction of Paul in 2022. Since then we have released 3 Eps and 2 music videos, with DKMS being our current release!

2. Someone comes to you and asks you to sum up what kind of music you play – what do you tell them?

We tell them straight, we play pop punk…the poppiest of pop punk.

3. What’s currently going on in your camp? New releases? Tours? Etc.

We’ve just released the video to our song DKMS. It is a continuous shot video recorded by Ironside Studios. All streaming revenue from both the song and video is being donated to the charity DKMS UK.

4. What has been the most positive experience of making music to date for you?

We’ve had a fair few, but the best experience we have is when the audience sings along to our songs, in particular BJS IN YOUR PJS, where the audience holds the harmony. It sounds magical.

5. Likewise, what has been some of the more challenging aspects and how have you overcome them?

Streaming growth has been quite difficult for us. We can always pull a great crowd at gigs, but constant higher number streams are challenging. Especially when bigger gig opportunities look at streaming numbers instead of gig following. Also, BBC introducing…they seem to dislike us! No idea why!

6. How do you handle the modern expectations of being in a band? Always online, having to put out content constantly, your success measured in likes and follows?

It’s hard. It’s hard to come up with continuous new content instead of having the main focus be on writing, recording and playing the best music we can.

7. What’s something that really ‘grinds your gears’ about the industry/business these days and what would you propose is done to combat it?

A big gripe is how streaming companies treat smaller artists. Spotify introducing a minimum play count before being paid is just completely unfair. The money that streaming companies make should be fairly paid out to the artists generating that revenue!

8. Speaking directly to listeners – what would you ask they do to help support your music?

Share it, play it, come to the shows. But mostly share and stream our content. You may have a friend of a friend that hears us, and decides to do the same! And that’s free!

9. Outside of the music, what’s do you do to relax?

We’ve all got varied hobbies. Gym, motorsport, going to watch other local bands, family time!

10. Where can people find you?

Currently at my desk at work. Bandwise, we are on ALL socials and streaming apps. Homecoming UK, not just Homecoming!!!

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