Album Review: Thotcrime – Connection Anxiety (Prosthetic Records)

US/UK cybergrind band Thotcrime return with their third full-length album ‘Connection Anxiety’, due out on August 16th via Prosthetic Records. Closing old wounds and opening the dancefloor, Connection Anxiety is a defiant act of jubilation and self-celebration in a world that can oftentimes feel at odds with joy.

Photo Credit: Crimebird Creative

Cybergrind, it must be one of the most ‘marmite’ genres ever and while there has been a rise in prominence for the style in recent times, it’s still wholly rooted in the underground scene. Which, for many, is where it should stay and there are aspects of Thotcrime’s new album where that thinking does ring true.

Still, for all the moments on this album that just don’t hit (a lot), there are plenty that do, and there’s no doubt that their popularity within this genre’s base will increase. Even if it’s impossible to see that translating to a wider audience.

I hate being negative, especially with an album that wants to create a happier space in the face of so much gloom. This aspect is one that warms me to it and has a positive effect on my mind. I can hear the passion that Thotcrime put into it, and I can feel the love they have for creating music that is as off-putting as it is enchanting. I like Thotcrime and what they are doing, I even reviewed D1G1T4L_DR1FT in 2022, so regardless of my feelings on this album, I want that to be known.

Alas, this is a struggle and I consider myself quite open-minded these days. There’s no easy way to say this, parts of this album are bad. The meshing of different creative directions and genre ideas results in a messy experience that is abrasive, annoying, and poorly thought-out. Yet, and perhaps most baffling of all, it will switch to be something far more exciting, far more enjoyable, and far more memorable (from a positive perspective).

It actually does start off well, hitting a rave-inducing high with A Better World Is Possible, bringing the energy with a heavy and punk-infused slice of wackiness called Behind the Cracks, and sounding nicely chaotic with We Hope Some Good May Come of This, which features Bottom Surgery.

It’s with This Podcast Could’ve Been Four Seasons that things start to go off the rails, failing to spark much passion even though it moves fast and wild. Garden Court (feat. bagel rabbit) follows that in similar unimpressive fashion. Featuring some cringe-worthy vocals, poorly thought-out melodic effects, and miss moments of intensity. However, the chaos of their heavier side and moments of ordered rhythm adds some catchiness, so it’s not all bad.

Whereas The Wrong Way is all bad. It’s not a rock, metal, or alternative track in the slightest, but pure EDM with effects everywhere, causing nothing but constant irritation. Something that continues into the title track, even if this one has some bouncy creativeness though, and the infuriating Existent. These are wholly unimpressive tracks, even if the creativity is notable.

The problems are manyfold, but one of the most obvious issues is the lack of focus and nothing seems to fit. It’s an album that is all over the place, and with so many jarring aspects, this ensures it’s not an easy listen overall. Thankfully, Beyond the Journey’s End and My Final Escape scale a lot of the silliness back (it’s still pretty mental though) and Thotcrime offer up two different examples of what they are capable of. The pairing help make the album’s finish quite enjoyable.

Look, you’re either going to love it or hate it, which is so often the way of cybergrind. I think I can get along with just about everything, but Thotcrime have pushed my limits with Connection Anxiety and I suspect they will do the same to you too.

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Thotcrime – Connection Anxiety Track Listing:

1. A Better World Is Possible
2. Behind the Cracks
3. We Hope Some Good May Come of This (Feat. Bottom Surgery)
4. This Podcast Could’ve Been Four Seasons
5. Garden Court (feat. bagel rabbit)
6. The Wrong Way
7. Connection Anxiety
8. Existent
9. Beyond the Journey’s End
10. My Final Escape


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Thotcrime – Connection Anxiety (Prosthetic Records)
  • The Final Score - 6/10
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