Game Review: In Sound Mind (Xbox Series X)

In Sound Mind is a horror game developed by We Create Stuff & published by Modus Games, releasing in 2021.

Players control Desmond Wales, a psychiatrist who can enter alternate dimensions when listening to tape recordings of his clients. Each of Wales’ clients has their own unique level based on their fears and psychoses. There, players fight monsters and solve puzzles. The ultimate goal to solve Wales’ own amnesia.

The term “hidden gem” is thrown around frivolously these days but there comes a time when using it is undeniable. In Sound Mind is the perfect example of this idea. Firstly, I bought this game at the heavily discounted price of only £2.99 which let me tell you now, is an unbelievable steal.  Of course there are an abundance of 1st person horror games that are very similar in essence to this game. However, In Sound Mind absolutely nails it as well as you could possibly hope for.Buy Me a Coffee at

At first, the game gives the impression that it is going to be just another horror game. Although, as I dove deeper I came to realise that it’s far more nuanced than that. Sure, there are most certainly creepy moments filled with tension. However, there’s a more psychological nature to everything that could leave some feeling that it’s actually lacking in the so called scares department. The game makes up for this with an incredibly rich atmosphere and a very touching story.

The puzzles throughout In Sound Mind involve some extremely inventive mechanics. The mirror shard in particular is a unique object that you’ll utilize in a number of ways. The puzzles are all straightforward enough which I liked. There are usually a lot of obstacles to overcome to make it to your goal, some can feel purposely drawn out and a little frustrating in places.

Through the different tapes, you essentially fight your patient’s demons which leads to a unique and emotional experience. The combat works well enough even though it feels somewhat dated. For sure, it adds a refreshing change of pace to the puzzle/stealth sections of the game.

This type of game would be nothing without some high quality voice work. I am happy to say that it most certainly delivers in that department as well. Then, there’s an amazing soundtrack which contains; contemplative, melancholic pieces of music as well as full songs that go hand in hand with each of the patients stories amazingly well. Each new tape brings with it a new unique landscape to explore that will often twist and change around you in impressive fashion.

In Sound Mind is a delightful slow burn that I found incredibly compelling and felt very invested in. I don’t normally enjoy written pages of dialogue in video games but with this game I found myself taking in every detail to better understand the story.  It deals with a hell of a lot of complexity in terms of; mental health issues, dealing with trauma, PTSD, paranoia, government conspiracies and more.

If I haven’t convinced you to check out this game by now then I’m not sure what else I could possibly say, this is one that deserves you attention.


  • Liam Fisher

    Owner/Editor/Writer/YouTuber - Typical 90s-00s kid; raised on Pokémon, Final Fantasy & the Attitude Era. In fact, that makes up about 99% of my personality. The remaining 1% is dedicated to my inner rage for people who still don’t understand the ending of Lost or those that enjoyed the Game of Thrones final season. Find me on GBHBL where I’ll most likely be reviewing horror movies or games. Also, see me on our YouTube channel!

In Sound Mind
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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