Interview: Machine 85 (Written)

Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life bring you an interview with heavy metal head-bangers, Machine 85.

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1. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to chat to us. First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started.

Hi! Jokke Pettersson here. THANKS for having me!

I’ve had this music in me since I was a kid. Which is exactly what I was when I met my drummer and now long time friend Ulf Wahlgren. I had a Metallica T-shirt and he had a Slipknot T-shirt. We immediately started skipping classes and playing together!

Our first band was a Metallica Cover band called Warlocks, haha…

A few years later I met my bass player Alfred Andersson at a music school. Since then the three of us have played together and toured in various bands over the years. It came to a point where I wanted to record my dream album. With my dream lineup. I wanted to form a new band, rent a great studio, go in and track everything without any clicktracks and bullshit. So I booked the great Sound Emporium in Nashville. We flew over and recorded the whole album in 3 days. Except for vocals which I did in my own studio in Sweden. A Lot of energy, fun, beer and pure joy for the music we love.

2. Someone comes to you and asks you to sum up what kind of music you play – what do you tell them?

It’s classic heavy metal to me. Take a big bowl and mix together some Sabbath, Purple, Diamond Head, Metallica and QOTSA… or something like that haha….

3. What’s currently going on in your camp? New releases? Tours? Etc.

We released our brand new single 20 Days 3 weeks ago. One of my favourites from the album. We just signed with our first management Deadfall and we are planning to release one more single and the full album next year.

4. What has been the most positive experience of making music to date for you?

Making this album the way we did. Going back to the root feeling of what music felt for you starting out as a kid. It’s easy to get stuck in all the DIYs these days and forget about the fun in it.

5. Likewise, what has been some of the more challenging aspects and how have you overcome them?

Well, good question. Playing music is like all art forms a struggle i guess. I learned early on that being good aint enough. If you want something to happen you have to do it yourself. The old childhood dream that you will be “discovered” playing at the local pub doesnt have the best odds of happening haha..

So that’s a big challenge to learn how to put away your doubts and just DO IT. Don’t let anyone tell you how to play the music you love. DO it your way.

6. How do you handle the modern expectations of being in a band? Always online, having to put out content constantly, your success measured in likes and follows?

I guess you just have to follow whatever the future creates. If that’s the way it is now you have to see it as a part of your workflow. I’m not saying I love to be online all the time but it’s something you have to do and learn about. But I still believe that if you write good music, people will find you.

7. What’s something that really ‘grinds your gears’ about the industry/business these days and what would you propose is done to combat it?

Well, the business is what it is. Don’t let it get to you! But if i’m gonna say one thing it would be the whole spotify thing. That even if your song is played A LOT you don’t really make any money. I’ll hope that will change. Because it should.

8. Speaking directly to listeners – what would you ask they do to help support your music?

Keep listening to our songs and come to our gig if we are playing somewhere. Support live music!

9. Outside of the music, what’s do you do to relax?

I hang out with my family and work on my motorcycles! I’m a fan of vintage Suzuki motorcycles from the late 70’s early 80’s

10. Where can people find you?

The easiest way is to just head out to our website, There’s all the links you might need! Or search for us on fb, instagram or youtube. You will find us!


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!