Interview: Crostpaths (Written)

Games, Brrraaains & A Head-Banging Life bring you an interview with new wave of nu-metal band, Crostpaths.

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Hello! Thank you for taking the time to chat to us. First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started.

Oh jeez, I guess it’s time to talk about the birds and the bees eh? So, when a man & a woman love each other very much…

Someone comes to you and asks you to sum up what kind of music you play – what do you tell them?

We make our own version of that stuff that was popular from about 1997-2003, then became intensely unpopular for a couple of decades and has inexplicably become pretty popular once more and thus we currently find ourselves lost ourselves in the flood of artists making similar sounds… Or “new wave of nu-metal” for short.

What’s currently going on in your camp? New releases? Tours? Etc.


Pick up tickets here.

What has been the most positive experience of making music to date for you?

Knowing our music has been played across the world thanks to digital radio and the accessibility of streaming platforms. Seeing the physical reaction to our music at a local level is equally important, if not more so.

Likewise, what has been some of the more challenging aspects and how have you overcome them?

Attempting to be heard amongst the ever increasing crowd. Knowing you’re one of thousands upon thousands uploading, emailing, applying to every opportunity possible and rarely receiving a response. It’s a thankless task. You just have to get over yourself and celebrate the small victories as well as championing your fellow peers.

How do you handle the modern expectations of being in a band? Always online, having to put out content constantly, your success measured in likes and follows?

Not gonna sugarcoat it, it’s incredibly fucking draining. The most important thing is not to compare yourself to others. Somebody’s always gonna have more likes/follows, unless you’re Billie Eilish or Taylor Swift.

We have to focus on quality over quantity at our level by embracing genuine interaction with real people. The most authentic and organic way is when we perform live. Nothing else recreates that buzz.

What’s something that really ‘grinds your gears’ about the industry/business these days and what would you propose is done to combat it?

See the answers to question 5 & 6 haha. Plus the usual gripes e.g. venues taking a cut of merch profits, streaming platforms not paying a fair percentage etc. We don’t have the answers. Pandora’s box was opened long ago. Total reform is required but the bastards at the top don’t wanna hear it.

Speaking directly to listeners – what would you ask they do to help support your music?

Listen to it repeatedly. Share it. Word of mouth is still so powerful. Come see us live. Finally, if you can afford it, buy some merch!

Outside of the music, what’s do you do to relax?

Bingo. Mud wrestling. Hopscotch. Learning to fly.

Where can people find you?

Wallowing in self pity AKA @crostpaths in all the usual places or click for every link in one neat & tidy place.


  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!