Album Review: Reboot the System – The Fall (Self Released)

Gothenburg, Swedish, melodic death/thrash metal band Reboot the System will release ‘The Fall’, their debut album, on March 3rd, 2023.



Much anticipated, thanks to a slew of impressive singles, Reboot the System can best be summed up as varying examples of ‘heavy’, ‘brutal’ and maybe even ‘crunchy’ metal. Where the beloved sound of Swedish melo-death runs head-first into a wall of thrash leaving most disorientated, discombobulated, and punch-drunk with heavy love.

Take note head-bangers, Reboot the System might not be a literal description of what they are doing but they are certainly taking the familiar intensity to another level. Across the 9-tracks of this debut, they deliver a ferocious experience, spitting a manic amount of vitriol.

Beginning with bravado, the self-titled opener is all about speed and sees the combination of ripping riffs and tearing hooks, flesh-rendering drums, and scathing vocals leave one hell of an imprint on the psyche.

Take a deep breath, the wild panache of Reboot the System has only gotten started and with bristling ferocity, Beast of Prey thrills. Followed then by The Truth That Lies Beneath and Iniquity, The former is a bit more melo-death but is far from lacking when it comes to intensity, it just so happens to have a slower tempo, which allows the gnarly vocals to really stand out. Whereas the latter is a no-nonsense slice of frenzied noise, the drumming on this track is simply out of this world.

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The legend that is Björn Strid (Soilwork) than makes a guest appearance on the gargantuan effort that is The Fall. Reboot the System make music that fits the iconic vocalist’s style perfectly but that doesn’t mean it fails to inspire. Showcasing more of their thrashy imagination, it’s a beastly number with some gnarly groove that takes its sweet time.

One of the album highlights, even though the following Bloodshed comes mighty close too. A track that features Ronnie Nyman, vocalist of Nightrage, and is one of the fieriest tracks on the album. The mix of melodic death and thrash makes for a blistering wave of noise that washes over in quick fashion.

The latter part of the album sticks to the winning formula and delivers a trio of chaotic and mayhem inducing efforts. Egotistical, Hourglass, and Left to Rot offering up varied and imaginative levels of melo-death and thrash carnage. Reboot the System confirming that the wait was more than worth it. The Fall is a banger, simple as that.

Reboot the System – The Fall Track Listing:

1. Reboot the System
2. Beast of Prey
3. The Truth That Lies Beneath
4. Iniquity
5. The Fall (feat. Björn Strid)
6. Bloodshed (feat. Ronnie Nyman)
7. Egotistical
8. Hourglass
9. Left to Rot


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Reboot the System – The Fall (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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