Album Review: Chaos Over Cosmos – A Dream if Ever There Was One (Self Released)

Chaos Over Cosmos is an international progressive metal project and ‘A Dream if Ever There Was One’ is their fourth studio album. It will be released on November 9th, 2022.

A new Chaos Over Cosmos record is always welcome, especially as we’ve been on this progressive journey with them since 2018’s The Unknown Voyage. A journey we’ve enjoyed a lot, and happily, that continues into A Dream if Ever There Was One. Where we find Chaos Over Cosmos as sharp, fast, and technical as ever. However, we also find them at their heaviest and most intense.

Yes, this new album has more in common with tech-death than anything Chaos Over Cosmos has ever done before. Yet, it still has their delectable sci-fi vibes. The blistering and brutish heavy speed offset by the combination of startling effects. We’ve always thought their name was incredibly apt and bloody hell, does it feel it here.

The cosmos is on fire and the soundtrack is this album.

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This is the strongest work the project has put out. All because because of the focus on intensity, the guitar shredding, impressive vocal range, and sci-fi grandiosity. This is a ‘new’ Chaos Over Cosmos and it shows. Although that’s not to disrespect anyone involved before, the project has been uniquely impressive over the years. It’s just that this feels so much bigger, so much more focused and so much more detailed than anything before.

The proof of that pretty much confirmed by the addition of four bonus tracks that come from the early album, The Ultimate Multiverse. Four tracks that have been remastered, partly re-recorded and feature new vocals. Something Chaos Over Cosmos are able to do confidently because they have become such a well-oiled and technically proficient unit.

Stop sleeping on this band, it’s time everyone started giving them their well-deserved dues.

Chaos Over Cosmos – A Dream if Ever There Was One Full Track Listing:

1. Continuum
2. Fire-eater
3. Navigating by Moonlight
4. A Mantra of Oppression
5. Ebb and Flow[ers]
6. Melatonin

Bonus tracks (re-imagined songs from The Ultimate Multiverse)

1. Cascading Darkness – We Will [re]Seed
2. Consumed – Two Cannot [re]Pair
3. Worlds Apart – You Must [re]Build
4. Asimov


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  • Carl Fisher

    Owner/Administrator/Editor/Writer/Interviewer/YouTuber - you name it, I do it. I love gaming, horror movies, and all forms of heavy metal and rock. I'm also a Discworld super-fan and love talking all things Terry Pratchett. Do you wanna party? It's party time!

Chaos Over Cosmos - A Dream if Ever There Was One (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
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