Horror Short Review: Night Visit (2022)

A gorgeous looking horror short with a really dark story, Night Visit was written and directed by Spencer Keller. It stars Raymond Power, Chloes Ciara, Mackenzie Wynn, Lila Keller, Luke Schuck and David Brender.

A police officer is performing an evening wellness check and finds the house he was assigned too, empty. Looking around, he comes across a TV that is playing static and surrounded by VHS tapes. Confused, he looks at one of the tapes and behind him, a sinister figure steps out of the shadows. Hearing a whispered voice, he turns around and seems to get frozen to the spot.

He then finds himself seated in front of the TV, forced to watch a snuff movie. No matter how much his eyes plead, he can’t look away. Then, it ends, and he is free. Returning home to his partner who immediately notices he seems ‘off’.

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To say anymore about his excellent horror short would ruin the experience. It’s frightening, it’s thrilling and it’s exceptionally dark. One that is more than worth the time investment. Check it out below, you won’t regret it.



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Night Visit (2022)
  • The Final Score - 8.5/10
User Review
8.66/10 (5 votes)