EP Review: Days In the Abyss – Here Forever (Self Released)

Days In the Abyss is a dark ambient project from multi-instrumentalist Craig Rossi from Sayreville New Jersey. Craig is also the vocalist, guitarist, and keyboardist of the melodic doom/death band Drift into Black.

Days In the Abyss is a series of 5 song EPs that chronologies the journey of a small intelligent probe drone that was sent to an uncharted planet to collect data. It loses contact with its home planet and lives the rest of its “life” exploring the unknown world. Through its journey it uncovers some very dark places, and learns that it may not have been the first one to visit…. and it may not be alone as well. The very first EP is entitled Here Forever and it will be available on all streaming platforms from April 22nd, 2022.



A wonderfully enigmatic concept, realised by memorable ambience that alternates between warm and light airiness, and dark and cold ambivalence. If there is one thing this EP does phenomenally well, it is capturing the sense of exploring the deep and mysterious unknown. Which means the concept is impressively realised and whole-heartedly draws you in.

From the rising melody of Day 1 – The Golden Horizon, Here Forever creates a mood and it only grows in stature from there. Day 2 – Within the Sand Storm really starts to layer in some darker tones and enhance the sci-fi feel, and Day 3 – Frost brings the cold in mellow and impactful fashion.

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It really is so very beautiful but the way in which the EP just expands as it goes on, makes it so important to listen to the full thing. Even if each individual track is a journey in itself. Further proof of this coming from the multi-layered mysterious melodrama that is Day 4 – The Lost City.

Before the finale of Day 5 – Oxygen delivers a momentous slice of melancholic beauty. A track that is enhanced by violinist Ben Karas (Windfaerer) who provides his electric and acoustic violin expertise throughout. This track, more than any other, puts you through the emotional wringer but in the best way possible.

A stunning piece of work.

Days In the Abyss – Here Forever Full Track Listing:

1. Day 1 – The Golden Horizon
2. Day 2 – Within the Sand Storm
3. Day 3 – Frost
4. Day 4 – The Lost City
5. Day 5 – Oxygen


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Days In the Abyss – Here Forever (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 9/10
User Review
10/10 (1 vote)