EP Review: Mütherload – Ü (Self Released)

Under a new moniker and sound, London, ON’s melodic death groove/thrash band, Mütherload is a regrouped tour-de-force birthed from the ashes of Heaven Ablaze (2003-2012).

Sometimes our paths are meant to be crossed with one another more than once in this lifetime, and that’s how the story of Mütherload came to be.

Guitarist Patrick Davison bumped into drummer Matt Ashton while on the day job. Both hadn’t seen each other since their previous band Heaven Ablaze went on hiatus in 2013. As old friends get to chatter and play catch up on each other’s activities, one thing was certain they would be writing music together once again. Hitting the jam space in 2019, it didn’t take long for the band to recruit members, bassist Chris McKichan joined the line-up and after their first jam, the trio had four songs created. With a foundation already laid, the band completed its ranks with the two Derek’s, guitarist Derek Haley and vocalist Derek Lee (ex-Ataxia.).

After two years of creating and crafting their sound, along with being local opening support for touring bands Threat Signal, Green Jëllo, Beyond Creation, and The Blood of Christ, the quintet is now ready to present their first offering in the form of an EP entitled “Ü”. The EP is a six-track introduction of Mütherload’s thrashy, groovy, melodic death sound.

“Ü” will be released on July 9th, 2021 on all digital platforms.

Kicking off with groovy intensity, Mütherload get the metal juices flowing with Insect. The stompy rhythm and aggressive stance makes for a quality head-banger of a start. You can’t help but think that if the same level of passiona exuded here is found in the remainder of the EP, it’s going to be one to remember.

So, it is with great pleasure that The Visitor continues the frenzy with Mütherload throwing their all into a harsher but still groovy as hell thrashy number. 44 seconds of melody and the “do you take drugs, Danny” part from Caddyshack makes up the title track. Before Iniquity has Mütherload absolutely killing it with a blast of energetic death metal. If the beat of the drums and groove of the guitars don’t get you moving here, nothing will. A short but smile-inducing guitar solo is just the icing on the cake.

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The last two tracks of the EP, Thaügüst and Lamia showcase the varied nature of Mütherload. The former; soft guitar melody only and the latter; a noisy blast of sinister sounding heaviness. Mütherload revelling in their fondness for making a hell of a din and doing everything possible to blow out your eardrums. It’s great fun.

Mütherload – Ü Full Track Listing:

1. Insect
2. The Visitor
3. Ü
4. Iniquity
5. Thaügüst
6. Lamia


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Mütherload - Ü (Self Released)
  • The Final Score - 8/10
User Review
10/10 (1 vote)