5 Games That Could Actually Make You Smarter

Being smarter and being able to better communicate with the people around you brings all kinds of advantages in life. The more you’re able to understand others and meet their needs, the more you elevate yourself. 

Getting to that stage, however, can take a long time. But fortunately, there are a bunch of games that can help. In this post, we take a look at some of the games that make you smarter and improve your communication skills. 

Civilization VI

Civilization VI is a complex turn-based strategy game where you have to negotiate your way through a world packed full of rival civilizations. It’s a clever game because there is no single formula to win it. Whenever you make a decision, you strengthen yourself in some ways and weaken it in others. 

Civilization teaches you about the nuances of life. It shows you that there are always costs that come along with benefits. It’s never an easy ride. You have to negotiate, weigh things up and adapt your strategy when circumstances dictate. 

Battlefield 4

Battlefield 4 isn’t just a regular shooter. It’s also a highly tactical game that teaches you about the value of strategy. Players have to think about not only what they’re doing, but also what their teammates are doing as well. Players must deploy a wide variety of survival strategies and work in tandem with others to effectively navigate their way through the world. 

Diablo 3

If you’re the sort of person who likes to optimize characters using complicated formulas, then Diablo 3 is the ideal game for you. The number of customization options is virtually bottomless in the game, providing you with an endless assortment of strategies that you can use to beat your enemies. 


Minecraft is an open-world sandbox simulator game that allows you to do pretty much whatever you want. The designers made it so that it would help to improve kids’ creativity and imagination. 

Today, Minecraft is popular among gaming streamers and enthusiasts. Many receive so much fan mail that they have to set up a virtual address for mail and business. They have a knack for coming up with new ideas and being genuinely inventive in how they approach the game. 


Portal is a game designed for intellectuals. There’s no fighting. Instead, the aim of the game is to traverse various 3D puzzles and emerge the other side victorious. 

The game provides you with a portal gun that can create either a blue or orange portal. Blue portals are entrances and orange portals are exits. So if you walk through a blue portal, you’ll come out of an orange one. 

The game is quite simple in the early stages, but as you progress, level design becomes more complex. In some situations, you’ll have to think logically about what you need to do next. The game designers expect you to be inventive as you come up with solutions. 

As you progress through the stages, the portal gun becomes more useful. New abilities force you to think creatively about how to solve puzzles. 


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